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Re: A possible suggestion (wrt "Take me off the list")

Well, we are talking about the noise generated on the list by all of the 
"Me Too" messages, and messages to be taken off the list.  Guess what?  
Your posted suggested solutions (your being collective... I am NOT 
targeting anyone specific) are causing more noise than the "me too"s ever 
caused (not excluding my noise here w/ this post).  It seems that we are 
trying to fix a broken finger by chopping off the whole hand!!!  :)

Personally, I'd rather have the email list.  It is too much of a pain to 
follow archives, and one may miss something that s/he would not have 
ordinarily seen.  Especially since threads in lists often go off on 
(sometimes extreme) tangents while still under the same thread title.  I 
wouls also think that it is a little less time consuming to run a list 
once it has started than to update web pages everyday.

my $.02


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